My first view from the farm when I arrived yesterday afternoon. It’s really hazy now, apparently for the past few weeks, so the Alps are a little obscured. You can still make them out, along with a half dozen towers on the surrounding hilltops.
I arrived yesterday around 5 pm, after a quick drink with Mario at his friend’s bar in Moglia. I'm still not exactly sure where I am, but Moglia was about halfway here from Bra.
By the time I went to bed, I’d been up for more than 36 hours; I just couldn’t get to sleep on the main flight from Chicago to Frankfurt. I did doze a bit on almost every one of the legs: flight from Denver to Chicago, seven hour layover then Chicago-Frankfurt, short layover then Frankfurt-Bologna, “BLQ” bus to Bologna Stazione Centrale, train from Bologna to one of Torino’s stations (Punto Nuovo), off that and on to another train for one stop (Torino Lingotto), then final train ride from Torino Lingotto to Bra (yes, that’s the name of the town), and lastly Mario’s van from Bra to the farm. OK, I didn't doze in the van, but those who know my phobia about mountain roads would have been proud to see how calm I was as he was zooming around the curves on these high, one-lane mountain roads. Or maybe I was just delirious.
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